The following chart shows the funding lines, with the respective interest rates, maturities and outstanding balances as of december 2023:

Debt – Funding Lines
Consolidated Data (BRL Million)
Index + Fixed Rate (Annual) Issue Date Maturity Date Outstanding Balance
(BRL Thousand)
In National Currency:
FGTS Funds (1) TR + 7.30% a TR + 8.50% 08.16.2009 01.16.2043 729,709 15.3%
Finame 2.5% a 8.7% 03.28.2011 01.15.2025 3,323 0.1%
BNDES Loan TJLP + 1.55% a 1.73% 01.15.2008 05.15.2025 17,187 0.4%
Caixa/5th Debenture Issue TR + 9.00% 09.20.2011 09.01.2031 136,247 2.9%
BNDES/8th Debenture Issue
1nd Series TJLP + 1.87% 06.15.2015 06.15.2028 42,128 0.9%
2nd Series IPCA + 8.18% 06.15.2015 06.15.2028 27,079 0.6%
BNDES/11th Debenture Issue
1st Series TJLP + 2.62% 01.15.2017 01.15.2031 101,156 2.1%
2nd Series IPCA + 8.85% 01.15.2017 01.15.2031 58,159 1.2%
Market Debentures – 12th Issue
1st Series IPCA + 5.0642% 02.08.2018 01.15.2024 43,646 0.9%
2nd Series IPCA + 5.2737% 02.08.2018 01.15.2026 70,475 1.5%
Market  Debenture – 13th Issue
2nd Series 110% do CDI 07.15.2018 07.15.2023 0.0%
3rd Series IPCA + 6.50% 07.15.2018 07.15.2025 61,651 1.3%
Market  Debenture – 14th Issue
1st Series 106.15% do CDI 06.15.2019 06.15.2024 9,645 0.2%
2nd Series IPCA + 4.30% 06.15.2019 06.15.2026 115,228 2.4%
Market Debentures – 15th Issue
1st Series CDI + 1.75% 12.16.2020 12.16.2025 308,941 6.5%
Market Debentures – 16th Issue
1st Series IPCA + 5.2306% 09.15.2021 09.15.2031 281,960 5.9%
2nd Series CDI + 1.30% 09.15.2021 09.15.2026 430,205 9.0%
Market Debentures – 17th Issue
Single Series CDI + 1.30% 12.16.2022 12.16.2029 752,937 15.8%
Market Debentures – 18th Issue
1st Series CDI + 1.20% 09.15.2023 09.16.2030 114,123 2.4%
2nd Series IPCA + 7.10% 09.15.2023 09.16.2030 793,540 16.6%
In Foreign Currency:
KfW (11/2011) Euro + 2.07% 11.29.2011 12.20.2023 0.0%
KfW (12/2018) Euro + 1.41% 12.13.2018 05.15.2034 185,218 3.9%
BEI Euro +Euribor + 0.55% 12.13.2019 09.20.2033 496,120 10.4%
AFD Euro +Euribor + 2.69% 12.29.2023 12.20.2043 15 0.0%
Issuance Costs of Securities (35,176)
(=) Total Loans, Financing and Debentures 4,743,515
(+) Leasing Liabilities 92,279
(=) Total Gross Debt (Short + Long Term)       4,835,794  
(-) Cash and Cash Equivalents   (1,031,426)
(=) Net Debt 3,804,368  

(1) FGTS Funds: Brazilian Savings Bank.
(2) Foreign-currency contracts are also subject to an availability rate (0.25% p.a.) on the balance disbursable.

To access the Indebtedness history in Excel, access the Interactive Spreadsheet.



The Company has been recognized as Sustainability Loan (“Sustainability Loan”) and “Blue Loan” (“Blue Loan”) referring to the €200.0 million financing along with the French Development Agency (AFD).

To access the Independent Report, click here.