
Anti-Corruption Compliance Policy*

This policy is intended to effectively contributing with the identification and mitigation of risks resulting from harmful acts committed against COPASA MG, such as deviations, fraud, and irregularities, establishing guidelines for the Company’s employees, management, committee members, fiscal council members, shareholders and other interested parties for the adoption of high integrity, legality, and transparency standards, pursuant to the Compliance Management System (SGC) of COPASA MG, and the provisions of Federal Law No. 12,846/13, also known as the Anti-Corruption Law, and State Decree No. 46,782/15.
Click here to access the policy.

Climate Change Policy*

This Policy is intended to guidelines for COPASA MG to manage its activities and operations, considering Climate Change.
Click here to access the policy.

Compensation Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the criteria for defining the compensation of COPASA MG’s Management (members of the Board of Directors and Executive Board), members of the Fiscal Council, members of the Audit Committee, and employees.
Click here to access it.

Competition Defense Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines to prevent the occurrence of breaches of Federal Law No. 12,529/2011, which deals with the Structure of the Brazilian Antitrust System, in activities developed by COPASA MG.
Click here to access it.

Conflict of Interest Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines and instruct in the identification, declaration, and treatment of situations that may be considered real or potential conflicts of interest.
Click here to access it.

Corporate Governance Policy*

This Policy is intended to consolidate the principles, guidelines, and best management practices that govern and monitor COPASA MG.
Click here to access it.

Corporate Risk Management Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish principles, guidelines, and responsibilities to be complied with in activities related to the Company’s management of corporate risks and to guide actions to identify, evaluate, treat, monitor, and communicate risks.
Click here to access it.

Disclosure and Trading Policy*

This Policy is intended is to establish guidelines, procedures, and responsibilities regarding the identification, maintenance of confidentiality, and adequate disclosure of information that may constitute material Acts or Facts, as well as the appropriate relationship of the Company’s representatives with the media and society, and the trading of Securities issued by the Company.
Click here to access it.

Dividend Policy

This Policy is intended to define the practices adopted by the Company regarding shareholder remuneration to provide transparency to the market and investors and give them return predictability, seeking to meet the best Corporate Governance standards.
Click here to access it.

Donations and Sponsorships Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the guidelines for donations and sponsorships aiming to ensure the highest standard of transparency, integrity, and legality, preventing the occurrence of illegal acts as a result of inappropriate use or transfer of Company funds.
Click here to access it.

Equity Interest Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the guidelines for the Company’s participation as a minority shareholder in a company, listing the corporate governance practices to be complied with to achieve sustainable results in the long term, adjusted to risk levels and adequate controls for COPASA MG.
Click here to access it.

Gifts and Presents Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the guidelines, instruct, and help the conduct of COPASA MG’s employees regarding the receipt of gifts, presents, invitations, tickets for entertainment, meals, hospitality, and courtesies in their professional relations, aiming at avoiding the granting of undue favors or privileges, as well as the occurrence of misconduct, conflict of interest, and other irregular or illegal acts.
Click here to access it.

Hiring Independent Audit and Extra-Audit Services Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines for the contracting of independent audit services and extra-audit services, ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and good management practices in corporate governance, contributing to the quality and independence in the execution of contracted work.
Click here to access it.

Information Security Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines and competencies to standardize COPASA MG’s procedures regarding the planning, implementation, and control of actions related to the protection and security of information generated, received, and processed within the Company, complying with Brazilian and international standards and regulatory aspects related to the matter.
Click here to access it.

Integrity Due Diligence Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish principles and guidelines to avoid the occurrence of harmful acts against COPASA MG and, consequently, ensure that contract execution and operations comply with the law and regulations; reduce integrity risks inherent to contracts and merger, acquisition, and corporate restructuring processes for greater security and transparency in their execution; achieve better performances and ensure quality in contractual relations and corporate operations; and reduce integrity risks inherent to the appointment of individuals to hold statutory and commissioned positions at the Company.
Click here to access it.

Internal Control Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish principles, guidelines, and responsibilities to strengthen and operate COPASA MG’s Internal Controls System.
Click here to access it.

Meeting Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines for the holding of meetings between the Company’s employees and other parties.
Click here to access it.

Members’ Nomination and Eligibility Policy*

This policy is intended to establish the principles, criteria, and prohibitions to be complied with in the appointment of members of the Board of Directors, Fiscal Council, Executive Board, and Statutory Audit Committee.
Click here to access it.

Personal Data Protection Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines to standardize COPASA MG’s procedures regarding processing personal data in its processes and protecting such data, in addition to disseminating the culture of information security under the principles of legality, loyalty, transparency, integrity, and confidentiality.
Click here to access it.

Privacy Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish principles, guidelines and responsibilities so that holders can make their personal data available, with due security, in the Company’s computerized systems and applications.
Click here to access it.

Related Party Transactions Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish guidelines and criteria that must be complied with in the occurrence of transactions involving related parties, procedures for situations that may involve conflicts of interest, abilities to identify and disclose transactions that have occurred and ensure compliance with legal provisions and the best corporate governance practices.
Click here to access it.

Relationship with Public Agents Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the conduct guidelines to be adopted by COPASA MG to regulate communication and relationships with public agents.
Click here to access it.

Sustainability Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish the guidelines for COPASA MG to manage its activities and operations, in accordance with the ESG guidelines, considering the social, environmental, economic-financial and governance aspects, with the aim of promoting the improvement of the quality of life of the communities and the preservation of the environment, based on ethics and excellence, aiming at the perpetuity of the business.
Click here to access it.

Water Dam Safety Policy*

This Policy is intended to establish principles, guidelines, responsibilities, and standards for water dam safety to be complied with by employees to reduce the possibility of accidents and their consequences.
Click here to access it.

Integrity Plan

Integrity Plan*

This plan is intended to seek the commitment of all employees, management, committee members, fiscal council members, shareholders of COPASA MG, its suppliers, service providers, public authorities, representatives of regulatory agencies, and any other party bound by a contract, to integrity.
Click here to access it.

Information Protection Regulation

Information Protection Regulation– Strategic, Commercial, and Industrial Confidentiality*

This Regulation is intended to establish criteria to define the information that must be protected by strategic, commercial, and industrial confidentiality, and guide the directors, managers, and employees of COPASA MG and its subsidiaries regarding its availability.
Click here to access it.

*Policies available only in portuguese.